Adde Breier birth doula

Adde Breier


Doula Description

I am a DONA-trained birth doula, a board-certified music therapist with a background in mental health and physical rehabilitation, and a mom to two young children. My professional and personal experience provide me with the skills to curate an empathic, informational, accepting, and empowering space for my clients. I believe the choices you make are the best for you, your baby, and your body. 

I support all birthing people and acknowledge their lived experiences impact how they birth. I would be honored to attend your birth and stand by you as you enter into parenthood. 

Doula information


Additional details

Birth Support Package

  • Complementary meet & greet
  • Two 90-minute prenatal visits
  • Virtual support throughout the working relationship
  • Labor & birth support
  • Photos of labor and/or baby
  • 1-2 in-home postpartum visits (3-5 days postpartum and another if desired)

Birth and Postpartum Resources

Navigating your journey through pregnancy, birth, and beyond with our resources and guides.

Fear and Anxiety of Giving Birth: Do I Need to get rid of These Feelings?
Let's normalize and befriend it.

Fear and Anxiety of Giving Birth: Do I Need to get rid of These Feelings?

Embracing fear as a natural response to the unknown can transform anxiety into confidence. Equip yourself with knowledge, create positive affirmations, build a supportive birth team, seek out uplifting stories, and practice self-compassion. This approach helps counterbalance fear, empowering you to make informed decisions during labor and transition into parenthood with greater assurance.

Baby Positioning
What you can do to help

Baby Positioning

Your body and baby are designed to work together during birth, but how your baby is positioned can influence how smoothly labor progresses. The good news? There are ways to encourage an optimal position and make labor easier.