Building Connections and Support

Why Choose a Doula Collective

Note from the founder, Jen Laird

Why Choose a Doula Collective

Being a doula can be isolating. I know what it's like to long for a safe place to collaborate with another doula, seek professional advice, and to process birth experiences. I envisioned providing doulas the opportunity to be on the receiving end of the support they so beautifully give to their clients. In addition, I see the importance of doulas spending their energy on being a doula rather than the less exciting work of maintaining a website. From this desire, Seattle Birth Doulas was formed.

You can be confident when hiring a doula from Seattle Birth Doulas, your doula has opportunities for professional development, birth processing, and support from an experienced professional.

All the best,

Jen Laird


Birth, Pregnancy, and Postpartum Articles

Navigating your journey through pregnancy, birth, and beyond with our resources and guides.

What is a doula?
The Adventure Begins

What is a doula?

Doulas provide emotional and informational support, empowering parents during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. They offer unbiased assistance, personalized doula care, and evidence-based resources. Having a doula can lead to shorter labor and fewer complications. Postpartum doulas help with newborn care and household tasks, ensuring a smoother transition into parenthood.